Excellence in Software Engineering
For a greener future, we wanted each of our employees to have a tree…
05 June 2019

Author: Ayşegül Y.G. KALAYCIOĞLU, Quality Manager

While the forests, the lungs of our world are disappearing rapidly, the soil the trees are tightly wrapped are slipping through our hands and thousands of species are losing their nests and becoming extinct, we all have to take a step to help the mother Earth survive.

The lyrics of a song from my childhood lingering in my ears should inspire us all:

      “Seeds must turn into saplings,

       Saplings must turn into trees,

       Trees must turn into forests in my homeland…”

With these feelings, we have eagerly joined environmental activities in 2019 for the good of mother nature and trees. We sponsored the afforestation efforts at METU Technopolis, where our facilities are located, and on 5th of June “World Environment Day”, we donated a sapling for each and every one of our employees.

We are happy and proud of making a tiny contribution to the well-being of our world and all the living things on it…

Past Articles

World Environment Day

World Environment Day

As ICterra, when we have started our journey with the mission of “Excellence in Software Engineering”, we have decided that the satisfaction of all our stakeholders would be our highest priority and embraced the “environment” as one of our stakeholders.

Efficient, energetic, fun: React Hackathon

Efficient, energetic, fun: React Hackathon

10th August 2018 was an exciting day for the people who attended to ICterra’s Hackathon organization. It was a success for all teams who came up with great and functional ideas. The objective was to get ourselves familiar with ReactJS and produce web applications to make work life easier.
