Gedankenexperiment (Gedankenerfahrung or thought experiment) is a way of thinking that maps a theory to possible causes and consequences (to shed light on these), when no clues or indicators are available to validate the theory.
General & Managerial
Make Every Single Hour a Happy One: Tips to Survive Your Tasks
Tem 17, 2019 | General & Managerial
Lost yourself working on your tasks again? Have you just felt that you are having hard time breathing?
Monday Tech Talks
Tem 25, 2018 | General & Managerial
Technology evolves so fast and it is getting harder and harder to follow the evolution, regardless of how much we try.
Women in Technology
Mar 8, 2018 | General & Managerial
International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 every year since the early 1900s. Today, it is an event for demanding gender equality and struggling against discrimination.
The Secret Behind Great Presentations
Mar 15, 2017 | General & Managerial
Author: Fikret OTTEKİN, Consultant – Cyber Security In the winter of 1990, I witnessed a live...
Power of Women: Emotional Competencies
Mar 8, 2017 | General & Managerial
Special thanks to all powerful and successful employees of ICterra…